It’s been a while since the last time we did a prayer requests thread, so we’re doing one now!
We’re doing one because I need some prayers. You’re probably wondering why there was no podcast last week—me too! Things have gotten busier around the Scoot house and not without reason. So I’ve been thinking deeply about how to scale this Substack to fit my life.
While I’m thinking, I’m doing a lot of praying too. I will be praying for all my subscribers here and anyone who inquisitively ventures into this space whether they subscribe or not.
Please share your prayer requests here for readers to pray over, and please do pray for the intentions of others.
Please pray for a special intention of mine as well.
What prayers or petitions do you have? How can we help support our brothers and sisters in Christ?
Let’s talk about it!
Do you know someone whose insights are missing from this conversation? Send them this post and ask for their thoughts!
Reminder: Please help ensure the conversation in this thread bears good fruit, and speak to each other with charity, love, and gentleness, so that everyone may speak safely and freely. Thank you for helping make this a fruitful conversation!
One of my biggest concerns is the damage done to our Church by the apostates. I pray that the Church's leadership come out and denounce US President Joe Biden as a heretic and have him publicly excommunicated. He is hurting the Church probably more than anyone. As our leadership does nothing, he makes a mockery of the Church and the faith.
I will pray for peace and unity among Catholics and a conversion of heart for those who would scandalize the faithful.
It's important to remember that we need every soul we can get, and even President Biden (whatever you think of him) can be converted. Part of what living a "peasant faith" is about is knowing what things we can control. We can't control other people, what they say, or do, or their impact on the Church. Praying for healing for the Church and conversion of souls does more to help the Church than excommunication alone.
If Excommunication is the right move, then may the Holy Spirit move swiftly to make frequent and effective use of it! If it is not the right move, may we pray that whatever is right, is what happens.
Thank you for sharing your prayer request! God bless you!
That is all well and good. However, Joe Biden after speaking with several high Church officials including the pope has doubled down on the side of evil. He is single mindedly helping kill thousands if not millions of babies not just in the USA but around the world. He now promotes the sexual mutilation of children to support the gender identity evils.
If a man who killed 5 college students was to proclaim that he is a Catholic, and that his personal views on killing college students do not conflict with his faith, no one would stand for it. This is what our magisterium is doing by taking no action.
I do pray for his conversion, but I do not see it coming. He has willfully turned against the Church and against our God. Hence, he is already excommunicated. But allowing him to participate in receiving communion when publicly he is obviously in a state of sin, is causing countless thousands to be led away from the teachings of the faith.
Our leadership is at best lukewarm.
"'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
This is a perfect demonstration of what I mean when I talk about a peasant's faith. Forgive me for harping on this point, but it is illustrative of the worldview I made this substack to demonstrate.
You and I cannot control Joe Biden. When you and I go before the judgement seat, God will not ask us what we did about him--you and I are not in a position to have any influence. If Joe Biden came to this substack and asked me what he should do, I would tell him my friend Miguel and I have some thoughts!
We have to limit our anxieties to things within our sphere of influence. If it's not President Biden there would be some other evil that would capture our attention and we would be equally unable to do anything about it.
So you are absolutely right that we must pray for his conversion. Whether we see it or not, our prayers work. God is the author and finisher of all things, and President Biden is known to Him as much as we are. We just have the good fortune of not having our errors and failures broadcast publicly to the world.
So let's turn our attention to reforming our own lives and healing our own souls, and praying ardently for healing of the souls of our public officials. We must pray ardently for an end to abortion, and an end to a culture of death. And then we must trust that our prayers are in God's capable hands, and He knows what to do with them.
God bless you! I appreciate your zeal in defense of life and in defense of Holy Mother Church. I hope you feel the consolation of the Lord today in your life!
Praying for your special intention, Scoot! If you could pray for me and my family as we make our first plane trip next week, I'd appreciate it. Thank you and God bless.
Praying for you intention Scoot. Pray for a friend’s wife diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Has a one year old daughter. Thanks and God bless you all.
One of my biggest concerns is the damage done to our Church by the apostates. I pray that the Church's leadership come out and denounce US President Joe Biden as a heretic and have him publicly excommunicated. He is hurting the Church probably more than anyone. As our leadership does nothing, he makes a mockery of the Church and the faith.
I will pray for peace and unity among Catholics and a conversion of heart for those who would scandalize the faithful.
It's important to remember that we need every soul we can get, and even President Biden (whatever you think of him) can be converted. Part of what living a "peasant faith" is about is knowing what things we can control. We can't control other people, what they say, or do, or their impact on the Church. Praying for healing for the Church and conversion of souls does more to help the Church than excommunication alone.
If Excommunication is the right move, then may the Holy Spirit move swiftly to make frequent and effective use of it! If it is not the right move, may we pray that whatever is right, is what happens.
Thank you for sharing your prayer request! God bless you!
That is all well and good. However, Joe Biden after speaking with several high Church officials including the pope has doubled down on the side of evil. He is single mindedly helping kill thousands if not millions of babies not just in the USA but around the world. He now promotes the sexual mutilation of children to support the gender identity evils.
If a man who killed 5 college students was to proclaim that he is a Catholic, and that his personal views on killing college students do not conflict with his faith, no one would stand for it. This is what our magisterium is doing by taking no action.
I do pray for his conversion, but I do not see it coming. He has willfully turned against the Church and against our God. Hence, he is already excommunicated. But allowing him to participate in receiving communion when publicly he is obviously in a state of sin, is causing countless thousands to be led away from the teachings of the faith.
Our leadership is at best lukewarm.
"'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
Revelations 3:14-22
I want to add I pray for strong leadership in the Chruch.
Thank you for your clarification, Miguel.
This is a perfect demonstration of what I mean when I talk about a peasant's faith. Forgive me for harping on this point, but it is illustrative of the worldview I made this substack to demonstrate.
You and I cannot control Joe Biden. When you and I go before the judgement seat, God will not ask us what we did about him--you and I are not in a position to have any influence. If Joe Biden came to this substack and asked me what he should do, I would tell him my friend Miguel and I have some thoughts!
We have to limit our anxieties to things within our sphere of influence. If it's not President Biden there would be some other evil that would capture our attention and we would be equally unable to do anything about it.
So you are absolutely right that we must pray for his conversion. Whether we see it or not, our prayers work. God is the author and finisher of all things, and President Biden is known to Him as much as we are. We just have the good fortune of not having our errors and failures broadcast publicly to the world.
So let's turn our attention to reforming our own lives and healing our own souls, and praying ardently for healing of the souls of our public officials. We must pray ardently for an end to abortion, and an end to a culture of death. And then we must trust that our prayers are in God's capable hands, and He knows what to do with them.
God bless you! I appreciate your zeal in defense of life and in defense of Holy Mother Church. I hope you feel the consolation of the Lord today in your life!
Thank you and may Go continue to bless you and your work.
Prayers from the sacred wilderness, Scoot.
Thank you, Adrian! God bless you!
Praying for your special intention, Scoot! If you could pray for me and my family as we make our first plane trip next week, I'd appreciate it. Thank you and God bless.
Praying for you, Walther! Thank you for reading! God bless you!
Thank you! Please pray for my country, Canada. Also my family: parents, sisters, husband, children and grandchildren
Praying! I’m half Canadian and have family there, so I am definitely praying for your country and mine! --God bless you and yours!
Thank you!
Praying for you intention Scoot. Pray for a friend’s wife diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Has a one year old daughter. Thanks and God bless you all.
Lord, hear our prayer! Prayer works my friend, I will pray for healing for your friends wife and strength for their family! God bless you!