Welcome Back! Good thoughts. I’d vote for you as Pres any day!

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Please don't wish such a terrible fate on me 😂 I really appreciate your support and your reading here! God bless you, John!

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Ha! You’re right!

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Excellent...excellent scripture to close with.

And thanks for this reminder: "Here’s the punchline: All Authority Flows From God. I mean this unequivocally. ALL authority. Your authority over your children? From God. Your authority over your employees? From God. Your authority over the garbage bin in your house? Yes—that too is from God."

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I am really glad you enjoyed--especially that closing scripture! Thank you very much for reading!

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Great post- had never thought about the relation to work life but as you say, once you see it, it's everywhere. And that's why we get so upset when people breach the oaths they take on assuming a position, whether religious, royal or secular.

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"What is an Oath but words we say to God?" - St. Thomas More, as presented in the film "A Man for All Seasons". Oaths are so important! Undercutting the reason they are important only serves to erode social trust. What is the strongest promise we can make without God?

Thank you so much for reading!

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The parable you bring up does a really good job of cutting through a lot of modern discourse on elections and leadership. The limitation of peasant life are freeing, aren't they?

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That is what I have found! Some people live their lives worrying about palace intrigue, and our heads are so much lighter if we lay that burden down!

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