Oooh, I loved the Radio Theatre ones! I haven’t listened to those in a bit, but man, those were classic.

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That alone is why David Suchet is always the voice of Aslan for me. (Which, let me tell you, gets weird when you're listening to him read the Bible and he gets to Song of Solomon).

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Haha that’s awesome.

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This is the wholesome parenting content I need! Will definitley check out "Zita the Spacegirl" as my oldest will be three soon. She loves a good story and has started to "read" to me.

And I am THRILLED to learn of a radio theatre version of "The Chronicles of Narnia." Like many, I've loved these books for a long time and also love a good radio theatre. I can't believe I did not know about this until now! Looking forward to this series continuing.

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Thanks Derek! I’m trying to feel out the right level of “known” for these recommendations going forward so I’m glad these were new to you.

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Love, love, love this. Thank you for bringing up the personal nature of these sorts of things. We had a ClearPlay dvd player in my house growing up (much to the derision of my friends, haha) and its impersonal nature always struck me, though I didn't have the words at the time. I much preferred the times when i was younger when my parents *would* watch a movie or show before me. It helped strengthen my bond with them in a real way that relying on some (often over-prudish and fat-fingered) disembodied editor somewhere could never do. The stories we tell each other are first and foremost relational, and to remove the relationship from the sharing of stories is an oft-overlooked tragedy, in my humble opinion.

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Very well put - and you make me wonder if many of the “negative effects” of media consumption (granted its “good” or at least neutral) are because they are often solitary activities.

Binging a show with a friend or loved one certainly FEELS different than when I’ve done it alone.

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True! Though just like there’s a time and place for curling up in the corner of a coffee shop with a book, there’s probably also a healthy way to engage with other media in solitude. But it certainly shouldn’t be the only way, and probably not even the predominant one.

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Zita the Spacegirl now on hold at my local library...looking forward to reading this to my daughter. But really, my main comment is why do you neglect to give the AI art generator the human dignity it deserves with a proper attribution label? ;)

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That’s great! Uh... would “Courtesy of HAL 9001” suffice for next time?

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Thanks so much for this post Hambone! Your family-friendly media picks will make a perfect complement to some recommendations that I will include in my upcoming piece. Do you have any plans to make this a separate section that people can subscribe to?

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Thanks Ruth! Scoot handles the backend and tells me that it’s already somewhat separated - I think once I’ve strung a few more of these together we’ll revisit the notion!

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I just noted that it's in the 'library' section, which makes sense; I will link it to my next post:)

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What are your kids ages?

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2/4/6/7 over here. Looks like we're in the same boat. Have y'all read Mo Willems Piggie and Elephant series? It was a hit with our kids.

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We haven’t but we loved his pigeon books so we’ll have to give them a look!

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