St. Joan of Arc! :-) And St. Peter is my confirmation saint. St. Joan is definitely a hero and example for me. As is St. Peter, but I know more historically and experientially about Joan in my devotional life.

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Well, I was going to say St. Joan of Arc, too, but someone beat me to it, lol! Seriously though, she and St. Therese are my "saintly sisters" and I couldn't do without them!

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Adopted by St Thomas More and Flannery O’Connor. Couldn’t ask for more! No pun intended.

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I am not Catholic, as I think you know, but Hildegard of Bingen has been a hugely influential saint in my faith life. Discovering a woman of deep faith who accomplished all that she accomplished--from herbal medicine to mystical imagination--purely for the love of both God and Creation changed this little Protestant's entire outlook on Christian history. 🌿

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I’m a convert to Catholicism, so I was late to getting a patron saint. But I suppose that had some upside since it meant choosing as an adult with a little more self-knowledge. My patron is Saint Jerome. I admired his scholarship, his certainty, and also I admit I like his aggressive style.

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